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We believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly, and we're here to fight for our clients' rights.

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Injury Lawyers Kermani LLP
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Maggio v. First Solar Corporation

Construction worker electrocuted on job site after safety procedure failure by First Solar Corporation. Kermani LLP recovered $51.3 Million for the Plaintiffs severe injuries.

$51.3 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Siddique v. Confidential

A child was tragically killed at a major retailer and our team fought to obtain the largest child wrongful death settlement in Georgia history.

$7.5 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Salah v. Confidential

A small company attempted to unjustly deprive our clients of their rightful share of the partnership profits. Kermani LLP's aggressive litigation led to court-ordered millions for our clients prior to the company's bankruptcy.

$4.49 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Tufele v. Confidential

Our clients were assaulted by a criminal gang at a bar. Through diligent investigation, we exposed the landlord's questionable history, resulting in a successful $3.1 Million settlement from the landlord.

$3.1 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Faiz v. Confidential

Our client's daughter experienced an incident on the freeway, resulting in her death, caused by a motorist with insufficient insurance coverage. With aggressive litigation, we obtained a big settlement from the non-liable employer for damages.

$2.35 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Why us

Why people choose Kermani LLP

Personal Attention & Results: We’re highly-rated by our clients and have recovered over $100,000,000 in combined verdicts and settlements.

$100M +

Recovered for Clients


Litigated Trials


Successful Cases


Attorneys & Staff

Proven track record

We’re highly-experienced and client-focused. We fight because we care about your cause. Let one of our lawyers fight to get you the results you deserve.

No fees unless we win

Kermani LLP handles personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means, you don’t pay a thing unless we win.

Experienced trial attorneys

What sets us apart is our vast trial experience. We’ve litigated over 100 trials in the past five years alone with one of the highest success rates in the country.

Focus on personal injury cases

Our attorneys specialize in personal injury cases and we are dedicated to pursuing justice on behalf of our clients.

Available 24/7

We are available 24 hours a day to serve you. You can always count on Kermani LLP to be there when you need us the most.

Multilingual staff

Kermani LLP is proud to be a diverse and multi-cultural firm. Our legal experts speak your language and are ready to assist you 24/7.

You’d think that the widespread increase in awareness about accidents and the availability of accident-prevention technology would result in a decrease in traffic fatalities, but that isn’t the case in San Francisco. In 2022, over 39 traffic deaths occurred in our city alone, and that’s the highest number recorded since at least 2014.

If you or a loved one experienced a recent car accident that led to financial losses, then it might be a good idea to talk to car accident attorneys in San Francisco about what happened. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to leverage car accident laws in California to obtain compensation for your losses.

Common Types of Car Accidents

Unfortunately, car accidents happen daily in San Francisco. One of the biggest reasons for these crashes is that San Francisco experiences heavy traffic every day. That said, the most common types of accidents include:

  • sideswipe accidents;
  • rear-end crashes;
  • T-bone accidents;
  • head-on collisions;
  • pedestrian accidents;
  • bicycle crashes;
  • motorcycle accidents;
  • alcohol-related incidents;
  • single-car accidents.

Several factors may come into play after an accident, but most car crashes are the result of human error and negligence on the part of one party. When a driver drinks before getting behind the wheel, texts while driving, or just fails to pay attention to the road, that’s considered negligent driving behavior. That driver will be considered at fault for the crash.

The Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents are often traumatic, especially if a vehicle collides with a pedestrian, bicyclist, or motorcycle rider. Even when cars collide with similarly sized vehicles, the impacts are usually pretty devastating. Your body will go from traveling at the speed the car was going to a jolting halt. As you’d expect, this motion can lead to a devastating physical injury. Here are some of the most common types of car accident injuries:

  • broken bones;
  • whiplash;
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • internal bleeding;
  • soft tissue injuries;
  • facial trauma;
  • lacerations, bruises, or road rash;
  • sprains, strains, and fractures;
  • burns.

Sadly, car accidents can also lead to fatalities.

Protecting Your Rights After a Car Accident in San Francisco

When you experience a car accident that causes an injury, your losses unfortunately do not end there. It’s important to get a full physical evaluation as soon as possible after your crash so that you can determine the extent of your injuries. Often, an injury will prevent you from being able to go back to work right away, fulfill your typical day-to-day responsibilities, and keep you from seeking out new opportunities until you heal.

Considering all these losses, it might be necessary to consider your legal options when it comes to filing for compensation. Your options will hinge on the specific facts of your accident.

Comprehensive Guide to California Car Accident Law

If you believe the other driver was at fault, then you might have a car accident case. Under California car accident laws, injured individuals can file a compensation claim when they’ve experienced a crash with injuries and losses. California follows a pure comparative negligence standard, so you’ll be able to file a case even if you think your actions may have contributed to the accident.

Under these laws, injured victims need to know how to handle an accident. Otherwise, you could derail your right to compensation and risk your future claim. In general, the best thing to do is to report the accident, get the medical care you need, and then contact auto accident attorneys in San Francisco for your next steps.

Obtaining Fair Compensation in Car Accident Lawsuits

If you think you have the basis to file a claim, then your next step should be determining the value of your settlement. This step is paramount to your claim because you don’t want to accept a settlement that doesn’t accurately reflect your losses. You won’t know for sure how much your claim is really worth until you take the time to hash out all your losses and their value.

Obtaining fair compensation starts by securing solid evidence that proves your losses. Start by collecting medical bills, property repair bills, statements from your employer regarding lost wages, and anything else that documents your losses. If you had to attend therapy for emotional distress, then make sure to include those bills. If you lost a loved one in a fatal accident, then you need to consider losses like your funeral expenses, burial costs, and the emotional impact of the loss of your loved one.

If your injury will likely lead to a long-term recovery period, then it might be necessary to consult with a medical expert to determine the potential value of your future medical expenses and losses. You don't want to undervalue the long-term costs of your injury.

Why Kermani LLP is the Best Choice for Car Accident Cases

If you’re looking for a car accident injury attorney in San Francisco to handle your claim, then look no further! Here at Kermani LLP, our team is prepared to take a powerhouse approach to representing you wholeheartedly from the beginning of your claim to representing you in court if your case goes to trial.

How Kermani LLP Manages Car Accident Claims Effectively

You can rely on our team’s knowledge, experience, and expertise to handle your claim effectively. We’ll work to maximize your claim while also focusing on your specific personal circumstances with compassion and care. We want to understand your unique situation and the impact your injury has had on your life. By soaking up all these important details, we’re better prepared to navigate your specific claim.

Kermani LLP’s Proven Track Record in Car Accident Cases

Since founding our firm in 2011, we’ve successfully handled over 2,500 cases and taken over 100 of those cases to court. Our results speak for themselves — we’ve recovered over $100 million for our clients in need.

Contact Kermani LLP: Skilled Car Accident Attorneys in San Francisco

When you’ve experienced an accident or lost a loved one in a fatal crash, everything can feel like a blur. You’re attempting to physically recover from your injuries or grieve and regain some sense of normalcy, but you’re also obligated to take the proper steps to ensure your legal rights are respected and protected.

Here at Kermani LLP, our auto accident lawyers in San Francisco can handle the legalities of your claim for compensation so that you can focus on what’s most important. We’ll help unpack what happened, build up the right evidence, assess your losses, file your claim, negotiate with the other party, and fight for justice in your situation.

Schedule a call with our office now to get started on your case.

Ray Kermani
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Due diligence got me only so far as I went through three seemingly great law firms before finding Kermani LLP right here on yelp. They were fantastic.

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Mary W.

Former Client

When I was hurt in a bike accident last year, a friend recommended I get a lawyer and sent me to Ray Kermani. Ray and his team knew exactly what needed to be done and took care of everything.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Anna F.

Former Client

Ray is one of the easiest people to work with. His communication is great and he always walks you through the steps. I was little down after my accident. He got me paid quickly and way more than I thought was even possible. He goes the extra mile.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Seema P.

Former Client

The staff is super friendly, approachable and responsive. They provide one on one attention, unless most law firms that just answer calls and want you money.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Shobeir S.

Former Client

They took what was a complicated case that most law firms wouldn't touch, and turned it into a large six figure judgment.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Sanaz A.

Former Client

Best law firm. They know how to win a case at trial, unlike most law firms that advertise as such. They will push every button that needs to be done to win your case. I was super satisfied.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Adil L.

Former Client

Frequently Asked Questions

Ray Kermani

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What steps should I take after a car accident in San Francisco?

After you experience a car accident in San Francisco, you should secure your immediate safety and check everyone for injuries. Call the police to report the crash and get medical care as soon as possible. If you’re not too injured, then you can also start to collect evidence at the scene of the accident by taking photographs, asking witnesses for their contact details, and checking to see if anyone got the crash on film.

What compensation can I get after a car accident in San Francisco?

In a San Francisco car accident claim, you can file for compensation that accurately reflects your losses. This compensation should include losses you experience, like the costs of your medical bills, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

When should I file a car accident lawsuit?

It’s best to file a car accident lawsuit when you’ve experienced an accident, your losses are stacking up, and you believe the crash was caused by someone else.

How is a car accident settlement calculated in San Francisco?

A car accident settlement is calculated by first adding up all your economic losses. These losses should include things like your medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. If your injury will lead to long-term medical costs, then your settlement should include these damages too. Next, your non-economic losses like emotional distress will be assigned a number between 1.5 and 5 depending on the severity of those damages. Your total economic damages will be multiplied by that number to come up with a value for your non-economic damages. These two figures will then be added together. From there, your own percentage of fault might reduce your settlement award.

Can I file if I’m partly at fault in a car accident?

In California, you can file a claim for compensation after a car accident even if you’re partially at fault. Your settlement will be reduced based on your percentage of fault.

How do lawyers help in San Francisco car accident cases?

If you experience a car accident in San Francisco, then an attorney can help you go over the specifics of your case to determine your options. If you have the basis for a claim, then your attorney can help you value the extent of your losses, document your claims with specific evidence, negotiate with the other party, and represent you in court if your case goes to trial.

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case assessment

Every case is unique, so we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

Due diligence got me only so far as I went through three seemingly great law firms before finding Kermani LLP right here on yelp. They were fantastic.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Mary W.

Former Client

When I was hurt in a bike accident last year, a friend recommended I get a lawyer and sent me to Ray Kermani. Ray and his team knew exactly what needed to be done and took care of everything.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Anna F.

Former Client

Ray is one of the easiest people to work with. His communication is great and he always walks you through the steps. I was little down after my accident. He got me paid quickly and way more than I thought was even possible. He goes the extra mile.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Seema P.

Former Client

The staff is super friendly, approachable and responsive. They provide one on one attention, unless most law firms that just answer calls and want you money.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Shobeir S.

Former Client

They took what was a complicated case that most law firms wouldn't touch, and turned it into a large six figure judgment.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Sanaz A.

Former Client

Best law firm. They know how to win a case at trial, unlike most law firms that advertise as such. They will push every button that needs to be done to win your case. I was super satisfied.

Testimonial Author Kermani LLP

Adil L.

Former Client